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The UK agents for the award winning EngView software.

PC and now MAC compatible

Version 6 now released


VERSION 6 offers a host of new features within the product's modular system. The major improvements include compatibility with the MAC operating system, a new look-and-feel user interface, and the presentation of the new Display Designer bundle, a set of functionalities developed to manage the overall production process of POP/POS displays.

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Optimized to serve the design and production needs of companies which use samplemaking machinery. The software offers the design functionalities needed for the complete structural design cycle, enhanced with layout arrangement and functionalities for putting out product samples.


A searchable collection of parametric designs for folding carton and corrugated cardboard.

The ECMA and FEFCO international are fully featured.


EngView's versatile modular structure lets you configure the software to your own needs.


To view the full details regarding this software please follow the link.



Module videos

With EngView you can customise the correct package to suit your specific needs.

Below are some of the modules currently available.

3D Presenter

The 3D Presenter module is one of the brightest stars in the EngView’s packaging CAD.  It’s the environment for virtual prototyping of packaging and POP/POS displays through realistic 3D modeling.

The module eliminates the inconvenience that may come from incorrect artwork because of the precise synchronization between the 2D structure and its 3D previews.

It also gives the chance for not only designing a splendid structure but also representing it in a proper way. For this purpose, the 3D Presenter includes a number of finishing effects - backing, varnishing, foil stamping, embossing as well.


Adobe Illustrator Integration

The integration with Adobe Illustrator lets designers apply artwork onto

structural drawings and verify the results in 3D  within the

Adobe enviroment.

Sheet Layout Presentation

The Layout is a base for the production. The module allows users to place the one-up designs onto the sheet while optimizing the area. It gives users statistical information about the waste area. Layout can be created according to a predefined template or manually - to address complex or non-typical arrays.



Varnish Blanket Design

This module enables users of EngView’s packaging software to take advantage of the automatic generation of rubber varnish blankets for plotter cutouts.

Using the module makes rubber cutting so precise that no waste is left after the process is finished.

Also available are modifications such as adding fillets, chamfers.

CAM Presentation

The EngView’s packaging software and its CAM module offer production personnel full control of all makes and models of cutting plotters and lasers used within the industry. The functionality finds the optimum tool path in order to minimize cutting time. It also filters objects and associates them with the appropriate tools.

The NC machine can be driven directly through the COM port, or export the NC code to a file. Package Designer provides an animation of the cutting process, tracing the tool path. This is important as a final verification step before cutting. The CAM postprocessor can be also used to operate the samplemakers.




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